Third Party Subscription Checkout – Manual Pixel Placement
If you use a third party subscription platform on your checkout page, you will need to manually place our sales tracker on the Subscription Thank You page in order to capture all the sales and RoAS that SourceKnowledge is driving.
Please go to the Tools > Pixels section at the top of your Dashboard to get your pixels.
Recharge Third Party Subscription Checkout – Manual Pixel Placement
If you are using Recharge as your third party subscription platform on your checkout page, you will need to manually place our sales tracker on the Subscription Thank You page in order to capture all the sales and RoAS that SourceKnowledge is driving.
Support documentation on conversion tracking integration with Recharge here:
Please refer to the Thank You Page and Tracking section where you may find helpful instructions. Additionally, do note particularly the First-Time Page Load Tracking details.